A raven makes a landing.

What is the Trickster?

Underneath the veneer of control, put-togetherness, and even the sacred, lies the primal force of chaos. It will leave your fly unzipped, lay nails in the road, and knock over your expensive thing. All of life and it’s doings are exposed to this force. And thank the Heavens it is so! This is the one and same force that created life randomly from a primal mush, sparked consciousness out of brain meat, and brought fire down to humans from the gods. This is the way of the trickster: nothing can stay the same. Our work as humans it to learn to be with this grand uncertainty.

Trickster Space serves as a welcoming-in of the Uncertain, Unexpected, Unwanted, Unintended, Unknown, and Un-understandable. Here, we find wholeness. The Un’s are not just Unavoidable— they are essential.

Therefore, what you will find here are writings, characters, performances, courses, and musings that all, in some way, portray the divine force of the Trickster. My work as an artist is to pour compassion onto the Human Condition, which is in of itself limiting, vulnerable to suffering, and unable to achieve perfect Goodness. How can we embrace what is confusing with love and laughter? How can we make more joy in a world that can feel bleak?